Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hatred Was the Motivation Behind Church Shooting
Thank you, Ann!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Planned film on Haitian Revolution "lacks white heroes"
"US actor Danny Glover, who plans an epic next year on Haitian independence hero Toussaint-Louverture, said he slaved to raise funds for the movie because financiers complained there were no white heroes.
"Producers said 'It's a nice project, a great project... where are the white heroes?'" he told AFP during a stay in Paris this month for a seminar on film. "I couldn't get the money here, I couldn't get the money in Britain. I went to everybody. You wouldn't believe the number of producers based in Europe, and in the States, that I went to," he said. "The first question you get, is 'Is it a black film?' All of them agree, it's not going to do good in Europe, it's not going to do good in Japan."
"U.S.'s neglect in narcotics war is obvious," Dominican drug czar says
Santo Domingo.- The Executive Branch's adviser on drugs Marino Vinicio Castillo, reiterated his criticism of the U.S. for the limited assistance he said it gives the Dominican Republic in the war on drug trafficking.
He said in a comparison between the Clinton and Bush administrations on the logistical support provided to Caribbean nations to tackle drugs, “the current U.S. government’s neglect is obvious.”
As an example he said Plan Merida, in which the U.S. gives US$500 million to Mexico and Central America to fight drug cartels, organized crime and human trafficking, but donates only US$2.5 million to Dominican Republic and Haiti for the same effort.
He also criticized the country's Judiciary because they allegedly work very little in the Government's war on drug trafficking. "In this period there have been more than 39,000 drug charges filed and there’s not even one percent is being prosecuted.”
Obama's Private Prayer 'Leaked'
Senator Barack Obama probably thought that the prayer he penned in the solitude of his King David Hotel room in Jerusalem would remain between him and the Almighty. But an Orthodox Jewish student had other ideas.
Following Jewish tradition, Obama donned a yarmulke and went to the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, where shortly before dawn on Thursday he stuffed his prayer into a crevice between the giant white stones, hewn more than 2,000 years ago. Traditionally such prayers — and there are more than a million each year, some arriving by fax and e-mail — are collected twice a year and buried on the Mount of Olives. It is considered taboo to read the prayers.
But after Obama and his entourage left the sacred site, an orthodox seminary student went to the Wall, fished out Obama's personal note and delivered it to Maariv newspaper, which duly printed the Senator's prayer.
"Lord, protect my family and me," Obama wrote. "Forgive me my sins and
help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what
is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will."
The newspaper's decision to publish Obama's private words was "an outrage," said Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, supervisor of the Western Wall. "It damages the personal, deep part of every one of us that we keep to ourselves," the rabbi told Army Radio. "The note placed between the stones of the Western Wall are between a person and his maker. It is forbidden to read them or make use of them."
Far-right White Supremacist Steve Sailer a "source" for CNN's "Black In America"
Steve Sailer is making coverage again with the Southern Poverty Law Center and Media Matters.
SPLC: Extremist Steve Sailer is Source for CNN’s ‘Black in America’ Series
MM: McLaughlin echoes smear of Michelle Obama: "You don't think she's a black militant?"
Yeah, yeah, we know how you are trying to make this another in-your-face tactic by congratulating Steve Sailer for making media coverage. Celebrate all you want for now, but keep in mind your hateful writings and coverage of them will be permanently etched in the internet, Steve Sailer. Your digital footprints continue to mount and will only get you in more trouble in the future.
Church Gunman Brought 76 Shells and Expected to Use Them
The gunman who yesterday shot up a Tennessee church that embraced gays and other liberal causes left behind a long letter fuming that he couldn't find a job and expressing a profound "hatred for the liberal movement," police said today. Jim D. Adkisson, 58, ranted that "liberals and gays" taking jobs had
prevented him from finding work. He wrote that he expected to keep
shooting parishioners until the police showed up and killed him,
Knoxville, Tenn., Police Chief Sterling Owen told a news conference.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Transmitting from within the occupied Aboriginal territories of North America for Radio Free First Nations, this is Radyo Inteligentaindigena for 04.09.2008
This Dispatch: The Issue of AIDS, HIV and genocide against Indigenous populations is the topic in the first of an ongoing series on Modern Indigenous genocide.
These items, Fourth World news and more on Radyo Inteligentaindigena, the podcast of the Intelligent Aboriginal news service.
Be an Intelligent Aboriginal and subscribe to our handy dandy Internet Radio Broadcast/Podcast RSS/XML feed here or you can directly download this episode's MP3 file by following this link...
The Radyo Inteligentaindigena Internet radio broadcast is hosted by the Internet Archive -----------------------------------------
*Special thanks to the lovely people of Dance-Industries, the best copyleft music on the www and the Creative Commons licensed sounds of Jamendo, Protest Records and CC Mixter.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Ahmedabad/New Delhi: A day after India’s IT city Bangalore was hit by nine low-intensity blasts, 17 similar explosions rocked Ahmedabad on Saturday evening, killing 28 people and injuring over 100 others.
All bombs were reportedly planted on bicycles and went off within span of 70 minutes of each other - between 1830 hrs IST and 1940 hrs IST - in various parts of the city.
Most of the blasts were reported from eastern Ahmedabad, in the upper-middle-class dominated areas of Bapu Nagar, Amraiwadi, Sarangpur, Jawahar Nagar, Narol Circle, Sarkhej, Isanpur and Haksar.
South African NIA engaged in surveillance operation against ANC and its leadership
South African intelligence spies on African National Congress President Jacob Zuma, the prospective next President of South Africa.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
China’s Colonizing Africa, While We Talk Charity
“From Nigeria in the north, to Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Angola in the west, across Chad and Sudan in the east, and south through Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique,” writes Andrew Malone, “China has seized a vice-like grip on a continent which officials have decided is crucial to the superpower’s long-term survival.”
In fact, it would seem China’s following the same model that Britain first employed to colonize Africa; particularly that expressed by the highly respected and equally racist cousin of Charles Darwin, Sir Francis Galton, just over 130 years ago.
In an 1873 letter to The Times, Galton wrote, ‘My proposal is to make the encouragement of Chinese settlements of Africa a part of our national policy, in the belief that the Chinese immigrants would not only maintain their position, but that they would multiply and their descendants supplant the inferior Negro race.’
‘I should expect that the African seaboard, now sparsely occupied by lazy, palavering savages, might in a few years be tenanted by industrious, order-loving Chinese, living either as a semidetached dependency of China, or else in perfect freedom under their own law.’
With over 750,000 Chinese settling in Africa over the past ten years, and suggestions that anywhere up to 300 million will need to be sent in the future (to offset over-population and pollution), Malone says that Galton’s vision of a colonized Africa is now coming to pass.
Dead Black Man Was Tasered Nine Times by White Cop
A 21 year old black man in Winnfield, Louisiana, named Baron "Scooter" Pikes, was tasered 9 times in 14 minutes by a white police officer in January after he was arrested and handcuffed. He died. Seems a tad excessive to me. However, here's the story of his arrest and subsequent death according to the police report by the arresting officers:
[Police Officer] Nugent spotted Pikes walking along the street and attempted to arrest him on an outstanding warrant for drug possession, according to Police Chief Johnny Ray Carpenter. Pikes took off running, but another officer cornered him outside a nearby grocery store. Pikes resisted arrest and Nugent subdued him with a shock from a Taser.
Then on the way to the police station, Carpenter told the newspaper, Pikes fell ill and told the officers he suffered from asthma and was high on crack cocaine and PCP. The officers called for an ambulance, but Pikes later died at the hospital.
So Mr. Pikes was high on PCP, crack cocaine and had a serious asthma condition? That poor man was seriously messed up if he smoked crack and took PCP with an existing asthma condition. The again, perhaps we should take a look at what the subsequent autopsy report by the Parish Coroner found:
An autopsy determined there were no drugs in Pikes' system and that he did not have asthma, according to Dr. Randolph Williams, the Winn Parish coroner.
China: Bloggers take stand against web activist’s arrest
Following his apprehension last month as he was pitching in with the earthquake relief in his native Sichuan province, web activist Huang Qi was this weekend formally arrested for “illegal possession of state secrets”.
Volunteers at his well-known website (English) have been actively posting all news coverage and details surrounding Huang’s case, but the campaign to have his charges dropped gained a lot more momentum when, following his formal arrest on Friday afternoon, three of China’s better-known social issue bloggers, all from Sichuan, Wang Yi, Ran Yunfei and Linghu Buchong*, joined up with two other intellectual-writers, Liao Yiwu and Li Yadong, to take the brave step of issuing a letter of protest. The letter has been posted not just on their own blogs, but also on the more mainstream My1510, IndyMediaCN, among many others.
A Documentary History of Anarchism in Japan
Call for Proposal Submissions

PM Press, a new publishing venture launched by the founders of AK Press, is inviting proposals for contributions to a documentary history of anarchism in Japan (title to be determined). Proposals for English translations of previously untranslated primary source material (with introductory or explanatory essays) are especially welcome. Because this book will address anarchism in Japan and not "Japanese anarchists" per se, proposals on topics related to Filipina/o and Korean anarchists living in Japan, for example, are also welcome.
Proposals for the following types of contributions are suggested, but proposals not covered by the descriptions below will also be considered.
Rapper Nas Collects 620,127 Signatures Protesting Fox News’ Coverage of Obama
"Fox poisons this country every time they air racist propaganda and try to call it news. This should outrage every American that Fox uses hateful language to talk about the person that may be the first black president."
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
We discuss:
What took so long for the story of Baron Pikes January death to break.
What the US Justice Dept. is doing.
The Winnfield Police department violating it's own procedures when it comes to taser use.
Winnfield police chief Johnny Ray Carpenter.
The history of the officer that allegedly killed Baron Pikes.
The fact that Baron Pikes had no drugs in his system.
And much more about this disturbing case. You can listen to my interview by using the link below:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Newfound genetic clue to HIV rate in blacks
(07-16) 09:04 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- An international team of AIDS scientists has discovered that a gene variant common in blacks protects against certain types of malaria but increases susceptibility to HIV infection by 40 percent.
Researchers, keen to find some biological clues to explain why people of African descent are bearing a disproportionate share of the world's AIDS cases, suspect this subtle genetic trait - found in 60 percent of American blacks and 90 percent of Africans - might partly explain the difference.
Ten percent of the world's population lives in sub-Saharan Africa, but that region accounts for 70 percent of the men, women and children living with HIV infection. In the United States, African Americans make up 12 percent of the population but account for half of newly diagnosed HIV infections.
"The cause of this imbalance is not necessarily driven by behavior," said Phill Wilson, founder of the Black AIDS Institute in Los Angeles. "Gay black men do not engage in riskier behavior than gay white men, for example. African people with this gene may have a higher vulnerability."
Based on their analysis, the researchers estimated that this gene variant alone may account for 11 percent of the estimated 25 million HIV infections that have occurred in sub-Saharan Africa - roughly 2.7 million cases.
The gene study was led by Dr. Sunil Ahuja, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and published Wednesday in the journal Cell Host & Microbe.
Latoya Peterson: The Agony of the Tees
A 25-year-old New York City graduate student is threatening to sue a T-Shirt designer after being assaulted for wearing one of his designs. [Ed Note - The designer of the shirt is pictured above.]
The woman bought a $69 shirt from Apollo Braun’s Manhattan boutique that bore the words, “Obama is my slave.” When she wore the shirt on Tuesday, four teenage girls accosted her - shoving her, pulling out her earphones, and spitting in her face, according to the New York edition of Metro News.
The unnamed woman is reportedly seeking solace by suing Braun - born Doron Braunshtein - for “all he’s got,” the designer claims. He, of course, is shirking any responsibility for the incident and says that the shirt reflects the views of “ordinary WASPs.”
“For a lot of people, when they see Obama, they see a slave. People think America is not ready for a black president,” the Israeli-born designer said.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Let's blame Barack Obama for everything
Wow! Have you heard the new John McCain campaign ad in which it's insinuated that the rising price of gas is somehow Senator Obama's fault? Watch the ad below:
I wish someone had told me that you can just pull something out my !@# and blame Barack Obama a long time ago. Things would have been so much easier.
Well I have made a list of other bad things in recent memory that I intend to blame Senator Obama for. Some you may relate to others you may not but feel free to add your own bad things to the list.
* Hancock ( Hey, Ghost Rider made a lot of money too, bet you ain't dying to see it again are you? )
*Windows Vista ( I would make a comment but I just got a warning message )
*That orange Mountain Dew ( That red one too, yuck! )
*Blade Trinity ( How is Blade going to be a guest star in his own movie ? )
* Reality TV ( Enough said )
* The Pontiac Aztec ( Quite possibly the ugliest vehicle ever made not to serve on a battlefield )
* Black Jelly Beans ( Why do the nasty ones gotta be black ????? )
* The New ECW ( Now ECW stands for Extremely Crappy Wrestling )
*The series ending of the Sorpranos ( WTF )
*Jar Jar Binks ( Let's not and say we did )
*The NY Knicks ( If you can't say anything nice... )
*The Washington Wizards uniforms.( I wonder how many beers the designer had while working? )
*The 4 door Mini Cooper ( blasphemy )
That's it for now but don't worry I'll think of more. See ya....
Friday, July 18, 2008
Let's not forget that our Sisters face their own struggle...with us...
NO. You Do Not Have The Right To Grab My Ass
I am fucking tired of walking through the streets of Oakland and being judged as racist for avoiding groups of black men*. I'm avoiding men of all races throughout the day. Every fucking time I have to walk anywhere, there's always got to be a creepy guy who gives me one of those looks that just forces me to either skip a bus stop or walk on the curb of the street next to the cars whizzing by. I have even taken out of the way detours walking to some of my destinations because I am afraid of being cornered by a man.
So I come out of work today and then I see a group of three black men, at least six feet tall, loitering in a *four foot wide* space between a building and the bus stop bench. If I walk through, I would be forced to squeeze my way through three men. So when I decide instead to make a really obvious detour in front of the bus stop, walking like a damn ballerina on the cub of the street, I hear:
"HEY. Why you walkin' all the way over there?" It was accusatory. It was me being light skinned and supposedly *afraid* of black people. It was obvious by the way he said it, and I get it a lot. I was thinking, fuck, are you kidding me?
Questions of the Month
Do you think that men of Color/White women IRs are progressive? Why? Write an essay explaining what that is so.
Also, why are so few White men marrying Black women? Is there a history behind this? Abagond and Ann already wrote an essay regarding this sordid history behind Black women/White men relationships and its poisonous legacy up to this day.
The Hate Motivated Murder of Carol Jenkins
Hat tip from Ann. Thanks!
On Sept. 16, 1968, a young black woman selling encyclopedias was brutally stabbed to death in the town of Martinsville.
For more than 34 years the murder of Carol Marie Jenkins remained unsolved.
But on May 8, 2002, police arrested Kenneth C. Richmond, a 70-year-old career criminal with a history of bizarre behavior and affiliation with groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.
Investigators said Richmond was implicated in the crime by his daughter, Shirley Richmond McQueen, who witnessed the slaying as a child.
State police detectives, working in a “cold crimes” squad, were led to McQueen by an anonymous letter. When questioned, they said, she finally confirmed what the letter alleged — that as a 7-year-old, she had watched from the back seat of a car as her father and another, still-unidentified man killed Jenkins.
Kenneth C. Richmond shown at left in a 1985 booking photo and at right after his arreest in 2002.
Detectives said they were convinced of McQueen’s story in part because she remembered a key detail which had never been made public — that Jenkins was wearing a yellow scarf.
McQueen, by then 40, reportedly gave Indiana State Police detectives the following account: Jenkins began to flee when she saw the two men running at her. The other man held Jenkins while Richmond grabbed a screwdriver from the front seat in their car and stabbed her, McQueen said she still recalls what her father said when he returned to the car: “She got what she deserved.” When they got home, her father gave her $7 — one dollar for each year of her life — to keep quiet about what she had seen.
Residents of Martinsville were relieved that the suspect in the case had not been a Martinsville resident. At the time of the killing, Richmond lived on a Hendricks County farm and was just passing through Martinsville on the night Carol Jenkins died. Martinsville’s racist reputation was largely based on the Jenkins slaying, though there had been other racial incidents.
But Richmond never went to trial for Jenkin’s murder. He was declared incompetent to stand trial and on Aug. 31, 2002 he died of cancer.
That hateful comment “She got what she deserved” is just a chilling as the comment uttered by the men in S.C. two years ago. The only difference is that the latter are about to face trial, while the animal back in Indiana died six years ago soon after his arrest. Not only was the animal wasn’t tried until after 2000, but the whole city of Martinsville cover up the murder, letting him get away with it. The police never tried to find the suspect at all.
This degradation of Black women, past and present, must be brought up.
I have decide to add to her comment with a timeline on Ms. Jenkins’s murder, that she too, may not be forgotten like so many murdered and destroyed black women in America.
Woman accuses dad in case that marked Martinsville as racist.
Accused: Kenneth C. Richmond, who lives in an Indianapolis nursing home, is led into the Morgan County Courthouse for his initial court appearance on a murder charge. His daughter says Richmond stabbed Carol Jenkins with a screwdriver in downtown Martinsville in 1968. Mike Fender / staff photo
By Bruce C. Smith
Published: May 09, 2002
The Indianapolis Star
MARTINSVILLE, Ind. — A long-held childhood secret might have finally solved the mystery that troubled this community for almost 34 years.
Police say they found the man who killed Carol Jenkins living in an Indianapolis nursing home, implicated by a daughter who described seeing the crime as a 7-year-old from the back seat of a car.
Kenneth C. Richmond, now 70, looked frail and said nothing Wednesday afternoon as he was arrested and taken in shackles into the Morgan County Courthouse. A plea of not guilty to one count of first-degree murder was entered on his behalf. He was held without bond.
Leaders of the Morgan County city, haunted for decades by charges of racism and foot-dragging in the investigation of Jenkins’ slaying, saw vindication in Richmond’s arrest.
“I’m so glad that the guy who did this is not from Martinsville,” said Martinsville City Councilman Harold Stanger. “We’ve had kind of a bad reputation with black people. . . . I’m so glad this is over with.”
Investigators say the story began as Richmond — who was living on a Hendricks County farm, according to court documents — drove through Martinsville on the night of Sept. 16, 1968.
His daughter, Shirley Richmond McQueen, said her father and another man were drunk and filled with racial hatred.
After a silence of more than three decades, she told police she saw her father plunge a screwdriver into the 21-year-old woman’s chest and leave her to die on a rainy sidewalk.
Police said they questioned several other suspects in the years since, all of whom were eventually cleared. Recent efforts at DNA comparisons proved nothing.
But continued publicity stirred the memories and conscience of Richmond’s relatives and prompted them to write an anonymous letter to police in November 2001. It named the former factory worker and farmhand as a suspect.
Another participant in the crime hasn’t been identified.
Moment of relief: Paul Davis, Carol Jenkins’ stepfather, hugs daughter Pat Howard after a news conference announcing an arrest in the slaying. Mike Fender / staff photo
McQueen, now 40, told Indiana State Police detectives that Jenkins began to flee when she saw the two men running at her. The other man held Jenkins while Richmond grabbed a screwdriver from the front seat in their car and stabbed her, according to an affidavit.
McQueen told police she still recalls what her father said when he returned to the car: “She got what she deserved.”
As the men drove away after the killing, McQueen told police, she saw the victim fall, landing on the grass and sidewalk next to a bush.
McQueen said the woman was carrying a suitcase or box, had a scarf around her neck and wore black-frame glasses.
The details, reported by detectives in reports filed in Morgan Superior Court, match evidence from the crime scene on East Morgan Street.
But court-appointed defense attorney Steve Litz said the prosecutor’s case rests on the memories of a child, without the murder weapon or other physical evidence.
Morgan County Prosecutor Steve Sonnega agreed it would not be easy to rely on the eyewitness account of someone so young at the time.
“Obviously,” he said, “you have to build one brick at a time. Why did it take 30-odd years?
A 7-year-old had to grow up, to mature and to have the guts to come forward.”
Jenkins’ family was relieved by the arrest.
“At least I know that my daughter can rest in peace,” said Paul Davis. “I just felt like she was always saying, ‘Daddy, why couldn’t you find out who did it?’ “
Martinsville Mayor Shannon Buskirk and Indiana State Police Superintendent Melvin Carraway said the killing is now thought to have been a chance encounter between strangers — an Indianapolis-area man with a history of violence and a young woman from Rushville working in Martinsville for the day.
They said the arrest should help clear away the insinuations of racism and sloppy police work that have hung over the community for the three decades that the crime has gone unsolved.
“It was a good day for the city of Martinsville,” Buskirk said. “This has attached itself to the city, and it definitely hurt.”
Richmond acquitted of murder, found not guilty of attempted murder due to insanity in ’80s cases.
By Diana Penner
Published: May 09, 2002
For more than three decades, the slaying of 21-year-old Carol Jenkins was a mystery. Now the man accused of killing her is largely an enigma.
Kenneth C. Richmond, now 70, has faced charges of murder and attempted murder.
According to a court document, in 1985, Richmond was acquitted of murder in an Owen County case. In 1987, he was accused of attempted murder and found not guilty by reason of insanity in Florida. He was fixated upon castrating himself and eventually succeeded. He has had mental health and alcohol problems and was involved with the Ku Klux Klan.
Any information about Richmond comes from the court documents; so far, no one who knows him has filled in the gaps by talking about him.
On Sept. 16, 1968, Richmond is accused of being an angry drunk filled with racial hatred who happened to be motoring through Martinsville when he saw a young black woman walking down a street.
That was enough, according to the accusations, to spur Richmond to harass the young woman, spin the car around and, with the help of an unidentified male companion, plunge a screwdriver into her heart.
In the back seat of the car, witnessing the scene, was Richmond’s 7-year-old daughter, Shirley. She said that when they got home, he gave her $7 — one dollar for each year of her life — to keep quiet about what she had seen.
“He said, ‘It was our secret.’ She had not seen her father for 24 years until she visited him three months ago,” according to a court document filed as Richmond was charged.
Not much is known about Richmond and his life for the past 33 years, beyond the few details contained in the probable cause affidavit filed Wednesday. Little was revealed in it about his work history, but a brother told investigators that in September 1968 — the month of Jenkins’ slaying — Richmond worked and lived at the Cash Bottema farming operation in Hendricks County. That’s about 19 miles from Martinsville.
That document also says that from 1954 to 1979, he was married to Ruby Richmond Welch. She declined an interview with The Star but told investigators Richmond abused her and their children and would be violent when he got drunk. Once, she said, he stabbed her.
“She stated that he hated black people in the 1960s,” the affidavit says. “Furthermore, he was always fixated about castrating himself.”
He asked his wife to castrate him, telling her the act would “tame him.” In the mid-1970s, Richmond managed a partial castration; he completed the procedure in 1982.
His half sister, Linnie Shields, told investigators Richmond sent her threatening letters with razor blades in them before she testified against him in the 1985 Owen County murder case. She also declined to speak to a reporter Wednesday.
Richmond was admitted at various times for “self-mutilation and intoxication, including one incident in August 2000, where he attacked a police officer with a knife,” the court document says. There was no information about where that incident took place.
Wednesday, Monrovia attorney Steve Litz was appointed to represent Richmond. Until then, Litz said, he knew about as much about the case as anyone else who might have read newspaper accounts.
Litz said he had had about an hour to speak with his client and didn’t yet know much about his life, such as where he had worked over the years. For about the past year, Richmond has lived at a health care facility, apparently because of mental health problems, Litz said.
He has advised Richmond not to talk to anyone about the case, he said.
So far, Richmond appears to be coping, Litz said.
“I think he’s scared and concerned, which I would imagine are fairly common feelings for anybody who’s been charged with murder, much less anybody who’s 70 years old,” he said.
By Diana Penner
Published: May 09, 2002
The Indianapolis Star
As a teen-ager, Carol Jenkins wanted to move to Chicago and become a fashion model.
The woman’s life, and her dreams, were cut short when she was stabbed to death in Martinsville in 1968.
Instead of a life filled with glamour and beauty, Jenkins’ death became a symbol of violence and ugliness.
Racism, many believed, was the only logical motive. The 21-year-old black woman, pretty and shy, wasn’t robbed or sexually assaulted.
Investigators say racial hatred was indeed the motive. But the man accused of the crime was apparently just passing through, an interloper who solidified the Morgan County city’s reputation as a place where black people were not welcome.
Jenkins was knocking on doors in Martinsville on Sept. 16, 1968, as she and three co-workers — two white men and a 19-year-old black woman — tried to sell encyclopedias. The women were aware of the potential dangers; they had considered buying tear gas guns, according to a newspaper article days after the slaying.
The encyclopedia gig was a fill-in job for Jenkins; she worked full time at the Philco Division of Ford Motor Co., but the plant was idled by a strike.
A 1965 graduate of Rushville High School, Jenkins grew up calling her stepfather “Daddy.”
She was a toddler when Paul Davis married her mother, and she grew up with five half siblings in a close-knit family.
She was shy and polite, Davis has said.
The night she was slain, some men in a car began harassing her. She sought help at the home of Norma and Don Neal, and Norma Neal tried to help Jenkins by driving her around to find her co-workers. When they couldn’t locate them, Jenkins ended up back at the home, and the woman offered to drive Jenkins to her rendezvous spot.
But Jenkins declined, saying she had been a bother long enough.
“That sounds like her,” Davis told The New Yorker magazine in its Jan. 7 issue. “I always felt like she was a very sweet, sort of naive girl. She had a smile for everybody.
“Carol didn’t like imposing on anybody.”
Carol Jenkins, known as a neat dresser, was wearing a yellow scarf when she was killed.
By Bruce C. Smith
Published: May 12, 2002
The Indianapolis Star
MARTINSVILLE, Ind. — It was Shirley Richmond McQueen’s secret that led detectives to the long-awaited arrest of a suspect in this city’s most notorious killing.
But the Indiana State Police had a secret of their own, and it was key to persuading them that they finally had found the man who stabbed Carol Marie Jenkins on a Martinsville street in September 1968.
Though she was selling encyclopedias door-to-door on a rainy night, the 21-year-old was impeccably dressed. Accounts of the crime routinely mentioned the white cotton turtleneck, olive green wool slacks and brown jacket with a mandarin collar that buttoned in front.
But the yellow scarf found around Jenkins’ neck was something never divulged by the federal, state and local authorities who investigated her death over three decades.
“She was always a neat dresser,” said Jenkins’ stepfather, Paul Davis. “And she wore a lot of scarves.”
The arrest of Kenneth C. Richmond, a 70-year-old resident of an Indianapolis nursing home, brought consolation to Davis and other relatives seeking justice for the cruelty of Jenkins’ slaying.
Martinsville leaders also hoped for vindication in Richmond’s arrest on Wednesday, saying it finally might put to an end the charges of racism and foot-dragging in the local police investigation of the killing.
But for the Indiana State Police, it showed that even the coldest of trails might lead to an arrest.
“Let’s not lose sight that this young lady was murdered 33 years ago, and her family has experienced a lot of pain in not knowing what happened to her,” Indiana State Police Superintendent Melvin Carraway said.
Two years ago, Davis had doubts that his stepdaughter’s killer would find justice. In frustration, he hired a former State Police detective working as a private detective.
About the same time, Carraway assigned the Jenkins case to veteran detectives Maurice “Bud” Allcron and Alan McElroy, part of a cold-case unit formed to renew investigations that have lost momentum.
“I read the summaries of these murders that can be lost in the files,” Carraway said, “and I think what the families must be going through.
“Sometimes I get calls from those families, asking for help. So we have to commit the resources or publicity to find the answers.”
About a year after the renewed investigation, one answer came in an anonymous letter, urging investigators toward Richmond, a career criminal with a history of bizarre behavior and affiliation with groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.
It eventually led Allcron and McElroy to Shirley McQueen, a 40-year-old woman who finally confirmed what the letter alleged — that as a 7-year-old, she had watched from the back seat of a car as her father and another, still-unidentified man killed Jenkins.
She offered key details of what she saw — including the scarf.
That made the crucial difference between McQueen’s story and all the others that Jenkins’ family and the police investigating her death had heard.
Her surviving relatives sometimes received anonymous claims of “witnesses” to the killing, or knowledge of the killers’ identity.
Detectives found one woman who had called Davis only to determine that her information was secondhand.
Another tipster told the family that the murder weapon had been dropped into a buried gasoline tank not far from where Jenkins’ body was found on East Morgan Street.
The fuel tank was excavated, and authorities found a chisel inside. Police immediately said it was not the murder weapon.
Allcron and McElroy interviewed about 150 people, painstakingly eliminating various suspects identified in calls to Davis and other relatives. By last summer, speculation had begun to center again on a former suspect now living in Florida.
Upon learning that, a woman named Connie McQueen sent the letter implicating Richmond.
In December, when detectives finally tracked down the anonymous writer, she said her former sister-in-law, Shirley McQueen, had told family members that she saw her father kill a black woman — an account that Shirley McQueen eventually confirmed.
She remembered, according to police reports, that “the lady was carrying an item that resembled a suitcase or box. She was wearing a scarf around her neck and had black framed glasses.”
Shirley McQueen told investigators that when she and her father got home that night in September 1968, he gave her $7 not to say anything about what had happened.
His admonition: “It was our secret.”
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Prosecution of George W. Bush by the International Criminal Court
Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
Fax: +31 70 515 8555
July 15, 2008
Dear Chief Prosecutor,
Congratulations on your request for an arrest warrant for the president of Sudan. When the rule of law cannot be justly enforced within a nation, it must be enforced internationally. In that regard, I would like to recommend that you seek an arrest warrant for the president of my nation, the United States of America. I have read your letter of February 9, 2006, in which you decline to seek prosecution of George W. Bush, and I believe new evidence compels another review.
With all due respect for the difficulty of your work, the case you have brought against the president of Sudan has followed quite different standards than those applied in your refusal to prosecute the president of the United States. In fact, you have refused to consider prosecution of George W. Bush because the United States is not a member of the International Criminal Court. But Sudan is also not a member of the International Criminal Court. Were you to consider the evidence of international crimes in Iraq as it exists today, and to consider the crimes committed on behalf of the president of the United States by members of the United States military and mercenaries employed by the United States, I believe you would find a case for prosecution that met the standards you applied, and applied well and admirably, to the president of Sudan.
While there is good reason to expect multiple prosecutions of George W. Bush and of his Vice President and top advisors by individual nations, the rule of law would benefit were the International Criminal Court to take the lead. Should it fail to do so, the entire idea of international law will suffer seriously. In the time since your 2006 letter, Judge Baltasar Garzón of Spain, on March 20, 2008, has written these words in El Pais:
"Breaking every international law, and under the pretext of the war against terror, there has taken place since 2003 a devastating attack on the rule of law and against the very essence of the international community. In its path, institutions such as the United Nations were left in tatters, from which it has not yet recovered....We should look more deeply into the possible criminal responsibility of the people who are, or were, responsible for this war and see whether there is sufficient evidence to make them answer for it....There is enough of an argument in 650,000 deaths for this investigation and inquiry to start without more delay."
You wrote in your 2006 letter that you cannot prosecute the crime of aggressive war but only the commission of war crimes that take place during a war, and that in 2009 it may become possible for you to prosecute the crime of aggression. While we must all strive to make that prosecution possible in 2009, it is not needed in order to prosecute George W. Bush, and his prosecution should not wait. As the Nuremberg Tribunal stated so well, "To initiate a war of aggression…is not only an international crime, it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." This has proven to be true in Iraq, and in Bush's global "war on terrorism", and there is no reason to delay prosecution for each separate element of the accumulated evil.
In order to prosecute crimes against humanity, you write that you need to identify "widespread or systemic attack directed against any civilian population." The civilian population of Iraq has suffered as a result of the US-led invasion and occupation in numbers and proportion that can only be called widespread and systemic. Iraqi deaths as a result of the invasion and occupation, measured above the high death rate under international sanctions preceding the attack, are estimated at 1.2 million by two independent sources (Just Foreign Policy's updated figure based on the Johns Hopkins / Lancet report, and the British polling company Opinion Research Business's estimate as of August 2007). According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of Iraqis who have fled their homes has reached 4.7 million. If these estimates are accurate, a total of nearly 6 million human beings have been displaced from their homes or killed. Many times that many have certainly been injured, traumatized, impoverished, and deprived of clean water and other basic needs.
In examining attacks on civilian populations, some specific incidents can be highlighted, not all of them occurring between March and May 2003, the period of time you referred to in your 2006 letter, and not all of them involving soldiers of the United Kingdom. It is necessary to examine the entire length of the US-led occupation, and to examine the crimes of US troops and mercenaries. Since May of 2005 I have collected evidence of these crimes on a website at[2] A thoroughly documented October 2006 report posted there and prepared by Consumers for Peace ( [3]) with the advice of Karen Parker, President of the Association of Humanitarian Lawyers ( [4]) and Chief Delegate to the United Nations for the International Educational Development/Humanitarian Law Project (IED/AHL), will provide you with much useful evidence of crimes during the sieges of Fallujah, Samara, Tal Afar, and other cities, as well as systemic violations of the basic duties of an occupying power, and widespread illegal use of a variety of weapons. See: [5]
The above report, as many others, also makes the case that the killing of civilians in thousands of isolated incidents has been standard operating procedure for occupying forces in Iraq:
Please, continue reading...
Important Advice For the Humor-Deficient
John McCain got in trouble this week for an old joke he told once about how women enjoy rape. No one gets his sense of humor! He grew up with the subtle wit of Sir Francis Burnand's Punch, is it his fault the kids today all read filthy comic books or whatever? Similarly, The New Yorker got in trouble this week for printing a cover that everyone had to pretend not to understand in order to be outraged about how no one would get the joke. It was complicated. But we have advice from an expert that will help. John McCain needs to read this email from your day editor's mother.
Brazil: Bloggers question the 13 new cyber-crimes
In the small hours of last Thursday, July 10, the Brazilian Senate passed the ‘Digital Crimes Bill’, which typifies the cyber-crimes punishable by law and stipulates penalties accordingly. The proposal will now be proceeding to the House of Representatives for a review of the last amendments, and the next step is its approval or veto (in full, or any of its articles).
Thanks to the pressure from many fronts, the initial draft proposed by Senator Eduardo Azeredo, which gathered unanimous rejection by the blogosphere, has been re-written for the better. The demand for user identification before they can take any action on the Internet, such as blogging, e-mailing or chatting, has been dropped, and some advances have even been made with the inclusion of an article to criminalize online racism.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Furor over Bush lawyer's racism in deportation case of Nigerian minister
A top Bush administration pardon lawyer was fired for making racist remarks in the case of a beloved Brooklyn minister facing deportation, the Daily News has learned.
"This might sound racist, but [the applicant] is about as honest as you could expect for a Nigerian. Unfortunately, that's not very honest," pardon attorney Roger Adams said as he recommended President Bush deny clemency to the Nigerian immigrant under consideration.
That Nigerian turned out to be Park Slope minister Chibueze Okorie, sources familiar with the case told The News.
Adams was forced out in January because of his anti-Nigerian comments.
The top lawyer "appeared to have improperly considered one applicant's Nigerian origin when deciding not to recommend clemency for that applicant," according to a scathing report in December by the Justice Department's inspector general.
Iraqi Kurds block vote on election plan
BAGHDAD - Iraq's Kurdish leaders blocked a vote on the country's proposed provincial election law Tuesday when they walked out of parliament, leaving the legislature without a quorum.
The dispute centers on Kurdish demands for a referendum in the
oil-rich city of Kirkuk on whether it should become part of the Kurds'
semiautonomous region in northern Iraq.
The Kurdish snub left only 133 lawmakers in the 275-seat
legislature. Parliament is scheduled to reconvene Thursday, but it is
unclear whether the Kurds will clear the way for the provincial
elections planned for Oct. 1.
Truth/Reconciliation: Morehouse on My Mind
I have never walked across the stage on the Morehouse College campus green to receive my degree. On the first day of our indoctrination in 1986, who would have thought I would end up as one of those missing in action four years later? The upperclassman speaking prophesized: “Look to your left and your right. Four years later, one of these brothers will not be here,” and in 1990 one of those brothers was me. I was an “out” gay man at Morehouse College. On my would-be graduation day, I contemplated what
looked like a dismal future, by Morehouse standards—no Morehouse degree and no respect from the men that made up my peer group.
A recent article in the Los Angles Times, by Richard Fausset, bookends the recent history of homophobia and gay awakening at Morehouse with the heinous 2002 baseball-bat beating of a Morehouse student, Greg Love, by a dormitory mate, Aaron Price, and the historic “No More ‘No Homo’ ” events organized by Michael Brewer and members of the campus organization, Safe Space, in April 2008. For me, this recalls memories that I had put away, but which provide the foundations of my life as a scholar and activist. The fact that homophobia at Morehouse is not unique or unusual with respect to heterosexism and homophobia in society at large should be obvious. The institution represents rather, the “perfect storm” of homophobia —racial and class anxieties of “exceptional Negroes,” masculine gender trouble, class conflict and fundamentalist religious baggage [or as some might say, “heritage” or “tradition.”] These seas roil and skies open up in an international climate of heterosexism and misogyny. Homophobia at Morehouse is therefore instructive, dramatic and sad, but not rare in our world.
African leaders revel in largesse while people live in poverty
Private jets, Bugatti cars, a shark-filled aquarium and enough bank accounts to paper the new luxury yacht - the extraordinary capacity of some African leaders and their families for apparent self-enrichment has been laid bare in a French lawsuit over allegedly stolen state money.
Following an inquiry last year by the French fraud body OCRGDF, an
anti-corruption campaign group has accused a string of African politicians
of plundering vast sums from the often struggling economies of their
Inhabitants of Gabon or the Republic of Congo who have ever wondered what
happens to their precious oil and mining revenues don't need to look any
further than Paris and the French Riviera.
Has SA betrayed Mandela's legacy?
Nelson Mandela celebrates his 90th birthday on Friday as a widely revered statesman, but South Africa faces a host of problems that challenge the dream he embodies of a harmonious rainbow nation.
Mandela, imprisoned for 27 years but forgiving of his former captors, is hailed as a shining example of the power of forgiveness and reconciliation.
His smile and sense of humour have made him a treasured international icon. He is rare among African leaders in agreeing to give up power quickly, after only one term following the 1994 end-of-apartheid elections.
He transcends races and opinions in South Africa itself, acclaimed by all sides of society, including white South Africans whose rule he fought to overthrow.
Yet his birthday comes at a time of crisis in the country under the rule of his successor, Thabo Mbeki, widely attacked for failures in fighting Aids, poverty, a major power crisis, violent crime and the disaster in neighbouring Zimbabwe.
Latoyia Figueroa (1981-2005)
When White People Tell the Truth…They pay a price
The Angryindian
In writing this editorial I find myself in a very surprising and somewhat awkward position. There are very few personalities within the arena of International mainstream news media that I genuinely respect as bona fide news-people and admittedly, I harbour virtually no respect, if any at all, for the American pseudo-news disinformation machine we are presently lumbered with. Aside from exceptional investigative journalists such as John Pilger and Greg Palast, it is extremely difficult to find someone accepted by the establishment that will dare look beyond the rhetorical defences of power to bring the how, where and why to a general public seeking answers.
This brings me to my current journalistic conundrum. As a young man trying to understand the world beyond my NYC ghetto, I watched conservative “opinion” programmes such as Firing Line and The McLaughlin Group on the principle notion that these individuals, (hosts William F. Buckley, Jr and John McLaughlin respectively) should be listened to primarily because they obviously were (and still are) the mouthpieces of the White colonial mainstream establishment, (i.e., “the Man”) and I wanted to be in the know.
There is much I can point to in regards to the late Mr. Buckley and out of respect for the recent dead I will not delve into his semantic misdeeds in spite of the fact that he showed no so such respect for others his brand of American conservatism branded “useless”. I can with great ease also list a plethora of heartless activity from Mr. McLaughlin over the years, but in view of his recent remarks about Barack Obama, I actually find myself coming not so much to his defence, but to the defence of an analysis that for once was dead on and honest.
What am I going on about? I ask the reader to peruse the following brief except from the July 11-13 broadcast of The McLaughlin Group: (Obtained from
McLAUGHLIN: OK, let's nail this thing down, and here's a sample of what Jackson apparently sees as Obama disparaging the black community.
OBAMA [video clip]: If we're honest with ourselves, we'll admit that too many fathers are also missing. Too many fathers are MIA. Too many fathers are AWOL. Missing from too many lives and too many homes. They've abandoned their responsibilities. They're acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our family have suffered because of it. You and I know this is true everywhere, but nowhere is it more true than in the African-American community.
McLAUGHLIN: Question: Does it frost Jackson, Jesse Jackson, that someone like Obama, who fits the stereotype blacks once labeled as an Oreo -- a black on the outside, a white on the inside -- that an Oreo should be the beneficiary of the long civil rights struggle which Jesse Jackson spent his lifetime fighting for? Peter Beinart.
BEINART: Who knows what Jesse Jackson is thinking? But that's a completely unfair depiction of Barack Obama, who -- the genius of Barack Obama is that he moves seamlessly between the African-American world and the white world in a way that even Bill Clinton couldn't possibly match. And the tragedy of this experience is that you know who's spoken very eloquently for many, many years about personal responsibility in the black community? Jesse Jackson. He of all people should recognize, in fact, that what Barack Obama is saying is not contrary to the message of the civil rights movement, it is keeping with that message.
McLAUGHLIN: Now, let's nail it down a little bit more, for the sake of Jackson. The question is this: Jackson's point of contention is this -- this is the exit question. The point of contention is that instead of Obama solely lecturing African-Americans on parental duty, particularly fathers, he should also give equal attention to the large, and many believe prejudicial, incarceration rate for blacks, their lack of economic opportunities, and other public policy issues that limit choices for black males. Why doesn't Obama hit that as hard as he hits individual parental responsibility? That's what Jackson is complaining about.
BEINART: Barack Obama doesn't talk about jobs and health care? He talks about it all the time. If you wanted to talk about the fact there were too many people in prison, then you're asking him to do something that would lose him the election.
BEINART: That is politically -- that no serious political strategist -- he's a man trying to win the presidency, John.
McLAUGHLIN: He's exactly what Jeremiah Wright says he is: He will do whatever is necessary to win.
BEINART: He's a practical politician --
To be absolutely clear with the reader, I want it understood that I am no fan of this long-running enterprise in soft pro-Europocentric propaganda. McLaughlin, a life-long conservative former priest who not only hosts racist neo-conservative muckrakers like Pat Buchanan but only seems to invite mainstream pro-capitalist journalists who adhere to the party policy of Malthusian theory, is nowhere to be found my top ten list of acceptable people. I still cringe when I see Chicago’s Uncle Tom number one Clarence Page offer his adulterous two-cents as if his opinion really mattered. But I must say this in all fairness, in this particular case, he is right. Barack Obama does not, has not and will not represent African people here in the colonial United States or anywhere else in the African Diaspora. He is a White Man's Negro point-blank and he knows it. So does the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and everyone else with clear political maturity deeply involved in this struggle we call "human rights".
Media is calling for an apology from McLaughlin and generally I support their efforts to clean up mainstream media. But in this case I cannot in good faith condemn Mr. McLaughlin for speaking the truth. Like Jimmy the Greek before him, McLaughlin is not being disparaged for what he said as much as by his saying so he has lifted, most likely unintentionally, the American rug concealing all of the embarrassing White racial dirt the U.S. had swept beneath it for generations. I for one find it discomforting that while Barack Obama, the half-African Great White Hope of the moment, does not have the testicles to address traditional White American racial policy, an old-school White conservative like Mr. McLaughlin can point it out and be condemned for doing so. Hopefully this situation may be the impetus for a real discourse on what is the real crux of the issue. When members of the White ruling class point out that things are wrong or unjust with the “system”, it is much more difficult to argue that the system is just. When victims of the system grumble however, the response is just the opposite.
What most people are taking offence to is the term “Oreo” being used in reference to Barack Obama the Dark Candidate, not Barack Obama the Black Man with a Euro-settler mother from Kansas. Mr. McLaughlin never called Obama one, he merely pointed out that for people like the Rev. Jackson and this writer, he is an Oreo by the very definition of the term. As a rehabilitated Uncle Tom/Apple who in my youth used to employ skin bleaching creams and Sun-In brand hair bleach to look more like the cast of kids that starred on the Brady Bunch, my position is that it is not an insult to call Mr. Obama an Oreo, it is a statement based on keen and dispassionate observation. He is an Oreo and by extension based on his recent public activity towards his own assumed base, an Uncle Tom in the most classic sense of the term.
“I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done.”
- American Abolitionist John Brown on the day of his death -
He has yet to address rank and file American African people or our collective issues directly; he distances himself from "troublesome" uppity activist types unless they are White males, (such as Bill Ayers, an advisor infamous for his direct involvement with the American terrorist group the Weather Underground) he promises to continue U.S. aid in eradicating what is left of the Palestinian Nation in favour of the Europocentric Zionist Ashkenazim power structure at home and abroad; he threatens Iran with self-serving U.S. belligerence without ever mentioning the deeply sordid history of U.S. meddling and regime change in that country in favour of American big business and basically kisses more White Supremacist arse with more grace and aplomb than either Condi Rice or Gen. Colin Powell (Ret.) ever could muster and retain a positive self-image.
White folks who blindly assume that the world exists only to revolve around them and their wants and needs will strongly deny that this analysis is valid primarily because it deflates the lie that Europeans have solely relied upon their imaginary superior wit and morality to win the world. The empirically demonstrated if rarely mentioned record of overwhelming violence and guile displayed by Europeans internally on the sub-continent and externally nearly everywhere else lays bare this hypocrisy. The realism of total Europocentric control over not just the socio-political and economic paradigms that effect Africans in the U.S. and throughout the Diaspora superficially overshadows the certainty of the psychological damage such endeavours leave in their wake. The United States in 2008 has yet to officially or unofficially concede that non-Europeans are forced by socio-political convention to conform to the psychosomatic slavery that has been instilled in us since first contact.
The wish to believe that Barack Obama, the hype surrounding his campaign and the White liberal pledge of “change” used in conjunction with his name does not reflect a direct result of past and present genocide says more into White communal concerns rather than humanistic and ethical social justice. The “change” American Whites are seeking is a new face for the same old game. Just as classic imperial-colonialist politick necessitates that positive control cannot be maintained against subjected populations with White-skinned military governors, Pax Americana at this point in the game needs a similar mask to remain relevant. Especially with a population at home becoming more and more brown each succeeding generation.
These are the long-recognised rules of empire. Mr. Obama does more than conform to these rules, has internalised them to such a degree that it is entirely fair to declare that the “Blackness” liberal White Americans enjoy pointing to when referencing Obama is purely and utterly mythical. In more honest political jargon, what Mr. Obama actually represents what used to be called in hushed terms a “Colonial Fix,” wherein the subjected population and their resources are managed by proxy by a cadre of establishment handpicked “leaders” who do little more than keep the rest of the rabble in line.
This is a pattern that can be seen universally wherever imperial and colonial impositions prey upon a weaker people regardless of the nationality of the imposing power. China pursues such policies in Tibet; France has had its Indochina and Algerian puppet governors and still maintains positive and unwanted control of French Guyana and Djibouti by means of “in-betweens” buffering and blurring the illusion of domestic national control. Britain steadfastly refuses to relinquish control of the Falklands, Northern Ireland or Wales (Cymru) respectively and Indonesia has never been held accountable for East Timor. The history of Africa and European colonialism has still yet to be fully and honestly written and continues unabated as I write this editorial. The European “conquest” of the Americas, while largely and incorrectly absent from most accounts of official abuses of xenophobic colonial power, by far remains the perhaps the single most horrible case in point of aggressive White Power known to human history.
Barack Obama not just honours this legacy of destruction and conquest but revels in it. He leaves little doubt that the only thing that will be different about his reign in the White House is the window dressing. Like the African emperor Septimus Servus who hit legitimate African and Arab rebellion harder than any other Roman head of state, centuries later Barack Obama promises more of the same, so whence cometh the change?
Mr. McLaughlin, an unapologetic supporter of American empire is, like most American corporatists at heart a pragmatist. He knows full well that it is not what Rev. Jackson said as much as it is what he meant in his spontaneous remarks about the candidate. Mr. McLaughlin is not a fool; he knows full well that the struggles led by people like Rev. Jackson and thousands of the nameless and faceless others littering the graveyards and prisons of the U.S. were not just fighting the Ku Klux Klan or the White Citizens Councils, they were resisting a centuries long process of state-sponsored genocide by a government representing a White populace hell-bent on eliminating Indigenous peoples, Africans and Asians not content with being anything more than exodus fodder for White Power.
McLaughlin is being pilloried for confirming that the Rev. Jesse Jackson, aside from the off-the-cuff comments that anger American White people, uniquely represents that narration, a dark, violent history of African survival against all odds, a history Barack Obama and his handlers use to great effect without employing one iota of its intrinsic substance. Proudly waving the flag of the White racialist revisionist re-packaging of the anti-genocidal efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Barack Obama does his absolute best to portray himself as anything other than a real Black man living the Black experience in these United States of America.
I am reminded at this juncture of Sir Sidney Poitier, someone who has been unduly criticized by many American Africans as a sell-out for not being “Black” enough due to the revolutionary standards set by those who actually took the battle to the streets and courthouses of the U.S. While Sir Poitier did not wear an Afro or raise his fist in defiance of African rights, he has and continues to do much to represent African people across the globe as human beings, a quality Barack Obama does not possess. Sir Poitier to my knowledge has never bit his tongue when it came to demanding respect as an African and has never, at least on record, ever denied his “Blackness”, even at the risk of damaging his career. Before he became a world class actor and political representative of his home nation the Bahamas, he was Black. And after the final curtain falls, Sir Poitier will still be Black. And he will still not have apologised for being so.
Barack Obama it would appear, missed school the day this lesson in self-respect was taught. Mr. McLaughlin, though had enough common sense to pay attention if only like me, just to be in the know.
The Angryindian
Editor, Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo / The Indigenist Intelligence Review
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Jesse Jackson shows his true colors,a commentary
by George Cook
I waited a day to write this because I was initially very upset with Jesse Jackson's remarks about wanting to pull out a certain part of Barack Obama's anatomy and anything I wrote might just be plain hateful.
That day off helped me to empathize with Jesse Jackson. I mean you have to realize that he and Al Sharpton's lives would change drastically if Barack Obama becomes president. I mean how can you cry about institutionalized racism and keep portraying black people as victims when you have a black president. Jesse Jackson would be forced to get a real job.
How would you like to go from saying "Keep Hope Alive" to " Would you like to super size that sir"
Hell, I'd be pissed to.
I'm going to tell you a secret and this is just between me and you. So Don't tell anybody.
Jesse Jackson is about as relevant in the African American Community as the WNBA is to sports fans.
We respect what he has done in the civil rights movement and the doors he opened but it's time for him to stand aside so some of us can actually get through the damned door.
Many of us are tired of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton being called black leaders. When did we have a meeting and vote them as such. Was there a memo? If there was a few million of us didn't get it.
I would ask that the main stream media unass the office chairs, stop hitting the speed dial button, and go out on the street and get opinions from black people on the street if they want to know what we think. And yes unass is not a word but you get the point.
I know this may get me in trouble but Jesse Jackson does not speak for many African Americans. We are mnore diverse than 1 or 2 "black leaders" and the media ignoring this leads to peoples monolithic view of African Americans.
Trust me when one of us goes to the bathroom we all don't wipe our ......
Doctors' Group Plans Apology For Racism
AMA Once Barred Black Physicians
By Holly Watt
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 10, 2008; Page A01
The country's largest medical association is set to issue a formal apology today for its historical antipathy toward African American doctors, expressing regret for a litany of transgressions, including barring black physicians from its ranks for decades and remaining silent during battles on landmark legislation to end racial discrimination.
The apology marks one of the rare times a major national organization has expressed contrition for its role in the segregation and discrimination that black people have experienced in the United States.
In a commentary in the July 16 Journal of the American Medical Association, Ronald M. Davis, the organization's immediate past president, noted that many of the organization's questionable actions reflected the "social mores and racial discrimination" that existed for much of the country's history. But, he wrote, that should not excuse them.
"The medical profession, which is based on a boundless respect for human life, had an obligation to lead society away from disrespect of so many lives," Davis wrote. "The AMA failed to do so and has apologized for that failure."
AMA officials declined yesterday to discuss specifics of the apology, including how it came about, saying that information would be released today. But the Davis article refers to a committee of experts convened and supported by the organization to examine "the historic roots of the black-white divide in U.S. medicine."
Specifically, the panel noted that the AMA permitted state and local medical associations to exclude black physicians, effectively barring these doctors from the national organization. In the early 20th century, the organization listed black doctors as "colored" in its national physician directory. In addition, the AMA was silent during debates over the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, and, for years, declined to join efforts to force hospitals built with federal funds to not discriminate.
Jackson apologizes for comment about Obama
CHICAGO (AP) — The Rev. Jesse Jackson apologized Wednesday to Barack Obama for making a "regretfully crude" comment about the Democratic presidential hopeful during what he thought was a private conversation three days ago.
Jackson said the "hurtful and wrong" comments Sunday came in response to a question from a fellow guest during a break from taping "Fox & Friends." The guest asked about speeches on morality Obama has given at black churches.
Jackson said at a news conference that he had replied that Obama's speeches can come off as speaking down to black people and that there were other important issues to be addressed in the community, such as unemployment, the mortgage crisis and the number of blacks in prison.
He said he was not aware the microphone was still on.
Jackson declined to repeat the comments, but said he decided to apologize publicly after hearing from Fox that it would air them.
In an interview with The Associated Press earlier Wednesday, Jackson said he didn't remember his exact words, but said he was "very sorry." He told CNN the remark was "regretfully crude."
Fox News aired Jackson's comment Wednesday night, including a slang reference to his wanting to cut off Obama's testicles. The report bleeped out the slang but made clear what Jackson said.
"It was not a public speech or a declaration," Jackson said at the news conference, adding the comments "will not be helpful."
The Remains of Dixie Square
For those who don't know the story of Dixie Square, a little history is provided at the start of the vid. For those who are familiar, this was shot shortly after "developer" John Deneen bailed on the place.
Not sure if it was even worth the effort to put this together, but I figured a few people might be interested in seeing it so what the hell. It doesn't do anyone any good just sitting on a DV tape in my desk.
Music by Kevin MacLeod of
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Remember the Victims of S.C. Hate Crime
Let's also remember Megan Williams, who was another hate crime victim.
Related links and posts:
More on the Racial Hate Crime in S.C.
May these women never be forgotten.
President Obama? Many White Supremacists are Celebrating
With the nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic presidential candidate clinched, large sections of the white supremacist movement are adopting a surprising attitude: Electing America’s first black president would be a very good thing.
“He will make things so bad for white people that hopefully they will finally realize how stupid they were for admiring these jigaboos all these years,” “Darthvader” wrote on the neo-Nazi Vanguard News Network web forum. “I believe in the motto ‘Worse is Better’ and Obama certainly fits that description.” Just last week, another poster on the same thread chimed in with this: “I hope Obama wins because in four years, white people just might be pissed off enough to actually do something. … White people aren’t going to do a thing until their toys are taken away from them. So things have to be worse for things to be better.”
“Oh man,” enthused “Centimanus” on the white nationalist Stormfront website. “I am gleefully, sadistically looking forward to Obama as president. … It will be a beautiful day when the masses look at the paper and truly realize they have lost their own country. Added “Fulimnata”: “To the average white man and woman, they could look at Obama and see plain as day that whites are not in control.” Another message, from “TheLastOfMyKind,” agreed: “Could it be that the nomination of Obama finally sparks a sense of unity in white voters? I would propose that this threat of black, muslim [sic] rule may very well be the thing that finally scares some sense back into complacent whites throughout the nation.” “Actually,” said another poster, “if Obama were to win, it would be the best thing that ever happened to the Klan. They would have massive growth.” And “TeutonicLegion” said that “a whole bunch of people will join us and find these boards” if Obama becomes president.
David DukeEven David Duke (right), the neo-Nazi and former Klan boss who is the closest thing the movement has to a real intellectual these days, sees clear advantages in an Obama victory in the fall. “Obama will be a signal, a clear signal for millions of our people,” Duke wrote in an essay entitled “A Black Flag for White America” last week. “Obama is like that new big dark spot on your arm that finally sends you to the doctor for some real medicine. … Obama is the pain that let’s [sic] your body know that something is dreadfully wrong. Obama will let the American people know that there is a real cancer eating away at the heart of our country and Republican aspirin will not only not cure it, but only masks the pain and makes you think you don’t need radical surgery. … My bet is that whether Obama wins or loses in November, millions of European Americans will inevitably react with new awareness of their heritage and the need for them to defend and advance it.”
Opinion on the radical right is far from unanimous on the topic of a possible Obama victory. Many of those writing on the topic — perhaps half of those who have posted recently — think an Obama presidency would destroy the country and oppose it mightily. On the other hand, there is virtually no enthusiasm on the radical right for presumptive Republican nominee John McCain, who is widely seen by white supremacists as a sellout, particularly on the issue of nonwhite immigration into the United States. But increasing numbers think that a bad situation with a black president will be good for their movement.
“Thomas Dixon Jr.,” a Stormfront poster using the name of the racist author who wrote the classic novel The Clansman, put it like this: “As WLP [William Luther Pierce, the late leader of the neo-Nazi National Alliance] would say… ‘What is bad for the system is good for us.’” “Obama,” added “The Patriot” in the same thread, “would be better for our cause in the long run, no doubt about it.”
The Firefighters, Paramedics, and Utility Workers are Watching You
Hundreds of police, firefighters, paramedics and even utility workers have been trained and recently dispatched as "Terrorism Liaison Officers" in Colorado and a handful of other states to hunt for "suspicious activity" — and are reporting their findings into secret government databases. "Suspicious activity" is broadly defined in TLO training as behavior that could lead to terrorism: taking photos of no apparent aesthetic value, making measurements or notes, espousing extremist beliefs or conversing in code.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Want some torture with your peanuts?
By Jeffrey Denning
Just when you thought you’ve heard it all...
A senior government official with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has expressed great interest in a so-called safety bracelet that would serve as a stun device, similar to that of a police Taser®. According to this promotional video found at the Lamperd Less Lethal website, the bracelet would be worn by all airline passengers.
This bracelet would:
• take the place of an airline boarding pass
• contain personal information about the traveler
• be able to monitor the whereabouts of each passenger and his/her luggage
• shock the wearer on command, completely immobilizing him/her for several minutes
The Electronic ID Bracelet, as it’s referred to as, would be worn by every traveler “until they disembark the flight at their destination.” Yes, you read that correctly. Every airline passenger would be tracked by a government-funded GPS, containing personal, private and confidential information, and that it would shock the customer worse than an electronic dog collar if he/she got out of line?
Clearly the Electronic ID Bracelet is an euphuism for the EMD Safety Bracelet, or at least it has a nefarious hidden ability, thus the term ID Bracelet is ambiguous at best. EMD stands for Electro-Musclar Disruption. Again, according to the promotional video the bracelet can completely immobilize the wearer for several minutes.
So is the government really that interested in this bracelet? Yes!
According to a letter from DHS official, Paul S. Ruwaldt of the Science and Technology Directorate, office of Research and Development, to the inventor whom he had previously met with, he wrote, “To make it clear, we [the federal government] are interested in…the immobilizing security bracelet, and look forward to receiving a written proposal.” The letterhead, in case you were wondering, came from the DHS office at the William J. Hughes Technical Center at the Atlantic City International Airport, or the Federal Aviation Administration headquarters.
In another part of the letter, Mr. Ruwaldt confirmed, “It is conceivable to envision a use to improve air security, on passenger planes.”
Monday, July 7, 2008
Martin Luther King Jr. Was A Republican?
TALLAHASSEE - A black Republican group has put up billboards in Florida and South Carolina saying the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican, a claim that black leaders say is ridiculous.
The National Black Republican Association has paid for billboards showing an image of the civil rights leader and the words "Martin Luther King Jr. was REPUBLICAN." Told about the billboards, the Rev. Joseph Lowery let out a soft chuckle that grew stronger as he began to think more about the idea.
"These guys never give up, do they?" said Lowery, who co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with King. "Lord have mercy."
Seven billboards have gone up in six Florida counties, and another in Orangeburg, S.C., said Frances Rice, the Republican group's chairwoman. Part of its mission is to highlight what she said is the Democratic Party's racist past.
"I knew the King family well. We were all Republicans," said Rice, 64. "There was no way Dr. King would have wanted to be in the party of the Ku Klux Klan."
Her assertion angered state Rep. Joe Gibbons, a Democrat who chairs the Florida Legislative Black Caucus.
"Nobody knew who was leading the Ku Klux Klan, they had sheets over their heads. Was she at the cross burning meetings?" Gibbons said with a disgust that was just as strong when he talked about the billboards. "To make a statement like that is ridiculous. To make a claim without presenting proof is bogus."
The King Center in Atlanta says there is no proof that King was ever a Republican. Rice stands by her claim.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
How Can We Call Ourselves Civilized?
Hospital video shows no one helped dying woman
A shocking video shows a woman dying on the floor in the psych ward at Kings County Hospital, while people around her, including a security guard, did nothing to help.
After an hour, another mental patient finally got the attention of the indifferent hospital workers, according to the tape, obtained by the Daily News.
Worse still, the surveillance tape suggests hospital staff may have falsified medical charts to cover the utter lack of treatment provided Esmin Green before she died.
"Thank God for the videotape because no one would have believed this could have happened," said Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.
"There's a clear possibility of criminal wrongdoing with regard to recordkeeping, and that has to be investigated."
The city Department of Investigation is part of a sweeping probe that has brought some changes to the ward known as G Building.
A federal suit filed last year in Brooklyn alleged neglect and abuse of mental patients at the hospital. The suit sparked an investigation by the Brooklyn U.S. attorney's civil rights unit before the June 19 death.
Two different security guards spotted Green, a native of the island of Jamaica, prone on the floor and did nothing, the tape shows. They have been fired, along with four other staffers.
Green, 49, taken to the unit for "agitation," keels over out of her chair at 5:32a.m., according to the time stamp on the video. She had been sitting about 3feet from an observation window. Two other patients were in the room.
Green is lying facedown on the floor, her legs splayed, when a security guard strolls by at 5:53 a.m., looks at her for about 20 seconds and then walks away.
She is writhing on the floor, thrashing her legs, about 6 a.m., when her medical chart contends she was "awake, up and about, went to the bathroom."
Green rolls on her back at 6:04a.m. She stops moving at 6:08 a.m., but two minutes later a security guard pushed his chair into camera view.
He never gets out of the chair, but looks at Green and scoots away. A female patient who was in and out of the room finally brings a clinic staffer to check the woman and a crash cart is summoned.
The medical chart claims she was "sitting quietly in [the] waiting room" at 6:20 a.m., although she was already dead. The cause of death is still under investigation.
"We are shocked and distressed by this situation," the Health and Hospitals Corp. said in a statement.