Monday, July 28, 2008

Far-right White Supremacist Steve Sailer a "source" for CNN's "Black In America"

Steve Sailer Sucks: Steve Sailer on SPLC and Media

Steve Sailer is making coverage again with the Southern Poverty Law Center and Media Matters.

SPLC: Extremist Steve Sailer is Source for CNN’s ‘Black in America’ Series

MM: McLaughlin echoes smear of Michelle Obama: "You don't think she's a black militant?"

Yeah, yeah, we know how you are trying to make this another in-your-face tactic by congratulating Steve Sailer for making media coverage. Celebrate all you want for now, but keep in mind your hateful writings and coverage of them will be permanently etched in the internet, Steve Sailer. Your digital footprints continue to mount and will only get you in more trouble in the future.

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