Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why did the FBI raid Long Haul Infoshop?

Why did the FBI raid Long Haul Infoshop? | SocialistWorker.orgFBI agents and local police raided the Long Haul Infoshop in Berkeley (

On August 27, the FBI, Alameda Country sheriff's department and University of California (UC) police raided the Long Haul Infoshop, a community center and anarchist meeting place in south Berkeley. With guns drawn, the officers broke doors, cut locks, searched the lending library logs and seized a dozen computers and other equipment. The FBI and police claim they were looking for evidence of threatening e-mails sent to animal researchers at UC-Berkeley.

Sid Patel spoke to Paul B., a member of the Long Haul, about the significance of the raid.


Come to a demonstration to protest the
raid on the Long Haul Infoshop on September 4, at 11 a.m., in Sproul
Plaza on the campus of UC-Berkeley.

Check out the Long Haul Infoshop Web site
for updates and more information about what you can do to help, or to
send messages of solidarity. Long Haul is requesting donations to help
with legal expenses. Send checks, payable to "Long Haul," to: Long
Haul, 3124 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA 94705.

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