Monday, March 30, 2009

Whenua Fenua Enua Vanua: G20 Meltdown Solidarity

Whenua Fenua Enua Vanua: G20 Meltdown Solidarity: "Wednesday April 1st

12-12.30 pm

British Consulate
90 Collins Street

'People are in an incendiary mood,' says Bone. '1 April will see the biggest ructions on the street since the poll-tax riots and possibly even the Gordon riots of 1780. I don't think politicians realise quite how angry we are. In the past six months, this country has been turned upside-down. A deep recession has been created by a few greedy bankers and as a result, thousands have lost their homes and jobs. A dam of resentment has built up and 1 April is when all these pissed-off people march on the City to take what's theirs. Capitalism itself is on the ropes.'"

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