Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Govt needs whites - DA

iafrica.com: "The use of racial criteria to appoint state employees has caused a massive level of vacancies in state departments, a Democratic Alliance research report has found.

Party MP Anchen Dreyer said on releasing the report at a press briefing in Cape Town on Tuesday that there were currently 36 588 vacant posts in 29 departments and that the government's affirmative action policies were largely to blame.

'Since the filling of vacancies is based on racial criteria prescribed in laws such as the Employment Equity Act, thousands of competent citizens from so-called racial of ethnic minorities either leave the civil service or are not even considered for appointments,' Dreyer said.

The vacancy levels, which increased by 3300 in 2009, were impacting on the government's ability to deliver crucial services to the public.

Home affairs was the worst off department, with a 29.8 percent vacancy rate, followed by communications with 28.7 percent.

'The ability of these departments to deliver on their mandates is significantly undermined by this acute skills deficit,' Dreyer said."

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