Wednesday, June 11, 2008

News and Stories 6-11-2008

From Ann's Blog

Bo Diddley, R.I.P. at:

Rest in peace, Bo Diddley! You give the world so much in musical style and contributed to Rock music, then and now.

Also from Ann,
Color Test: Where Whites Draw The Line at:

Americans prefer to see Black entertainers with nonblack mommas than Black mommas. This has been on my mind since Obama clinched the nomination last week. I was thinking Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson, Carol Moseley Braun, Leonora Fulani, Alan Keyes, Al Sharpton, Colin Powell.

These Americans don’t want to be reminded of the fact that a lot of mixing were done before 1960s, before Loving. They ignore the past and present IRs as being progressive, esp. Black men w/nonblack women. Then, they pat themselves on the back on how progressive they are when in reality they are really not.

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