Sunday, April 12, 2009

Conservative Blogger's Hatefest of Michelle Obama

What's wrong with wanting to look glamourous? Plain old jealousy and resentment.
Michelle Obama is beautiful, inside and out. Their kids, Sasha and Malia, look great too

Mind you, this is not surprising, coming from a man with anti-Black views. Here's a racist/sexist commentary from a conservative blogger regarding Black women he wrote in 2002. He complained that there are too much Black women in the top 100 women of 2002 and not enough Asian women. He also complained about bw/wm IR.

His views mirrors David Yeagley's. I believe David copied his views on multiracial/black beauty from him. He basically wrote that Black women aren't attractive, even multiracial beauties such as Halle Berry. He also wondered why are so many White men are pursuing Black women as if it's not normal. Why should he care?

BLACK CHICKS: I was perusing FHM’s list of the 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2002 in search of a story—the things I do for my readers—when I noticed how white they are. According to our race-obsessed Census Bureau, over 12 percent of Americans are black, but the mostly-US readership of FHM selected only 8 black women:

#3: Halle Berry—Actress #21: BeyoncĂ© Knowles—Singer #23: Tyra Banks—Model #34: Janet Jackson—Singer #36: Mariah Carey—Singer, Weirdo #80: Alicia Keys—Singer #82: Aaliyah—Singer, Corpse (alas) #85: Samantha Mumba—Singer

Even the above list is a little misleading, because a quick visit to revealed that four of these women (Halle, Mariah, Alicia, and Samantha) are decidedly biracial, having one African and one European parent. I use the phrase decidedly biracial after having seen this article that discusses DNA testing.

A study of the genetic makeup of 3,000 Americans reveals how racially mixed we really are:

Among self-identified whites in Shriver’s sample, the average black admixture is only 0.7 percent. That’s the equivalent of having among your 128 great-great-great-great-great-grandparents (who lived around two centuries ago), 127 whites and one black.

It appears that 70 percent of whites have no African ancestors. Among the 30 percent who do, the black admixture is around 2.3 percent, which would be like having about three black ancestors out of those 128.

In contrast, African-Americans are much more racially mixed than European-Americans. Yet, Shriver’s study shows that they are less European that was previously believed.

Earlier, cruder studies, done before direct genetic testing was feasible, suggested that African-Americans were 25 or even 30 percent white. Shriver’s project is not complete, but with data from 25 sites already in, he is coming up with 17-18 percent white ancestry among African-Americans. That’s the equivalent of 106 of those 128 of your ancestors from seven generations ago having been Africans and 22 Europeans.

According to Shriver, only about 10 percent of African-Americans are over 50 percent white.

Of course, another way of looking at these data is that a limited amount of black ancestry is enough to make you “look black” from the standpoint of identification. The “one drop” rule may have been ugly from a social and legal perspective, but perhaps reflected a practical reality.

Getting back to our list: Does the mixing of races create an exotic look that has helped these four women? Perhaps there’s a “best of both worlds” effect that helps set these women apart. But why the shortage of black women overall? One simple explanation would be that the readership of FHM is skewed towards white men and their standards of beauty are rooted in the familiar. But maybe it’s because black women just aren’t as pretty.

Consider another piece written by the author of the DNA article above, Steve Sailer, discussing why interracial marriage shortchanges black women and Asian men. He posits some universal standards of beauty that leaves black women behind because of their physiognomy:

By emphasizing how society encourages us to marry people like ourselves, sociologists miss half the picture: by definition, heterosexual attraction thrives on differences ... Opposites attract. And certain race/sex pairings seem to be more opposite than others. The force driving these skewed husband - wife proportions appears to be differences in perceived sexual attractiveness.

On average, black men tend to appear slightly more and Asian men slightly less masculine than white men, while Asian women are typically seen as slightly more and black women as slightly less feminine than white women. Sailer specifically cites height, hair length, and muscularity as disadvantages for black women—and advantages for Asian women.

The only problem with this theory in our case? The list of 100 contains only two Asian women: Lucy Liu (#19) and Zhang Ziyi (#91).

WHITE GUYS & BLACK CHICKS: The taboo against black women dating white men is breaking down. The growing education gap between black men and women and the cold fact that many black men are incarcerated or murder victims are causal factors. (By using education as a surrogate for wealth, this article skirts the issue that white men are wealthier than black men.

We can’t have black women looking like gold diggers, can we?) One question the article doesn’t fully confront is why white men are going after dark meat, though it acknowledges the “exotic look” factor I attributed to biracial women in a previous post. Black guys still have their fans, though.

Mickey Kaus reports: Then there is the final taboo issue—black male sexuality. Fear of black male sexuality was the psychological engine of Jim Crow, Nicholas Lemann has argued. And respect for it is the unwritten explanation for a lot of the resistance to cross-race dating (between 1960 and 1980, for example). I once asked a multi-degreed, accomplished black woman friend of mine (who dated whites) why so many other black women restricted their “options” to black men. She paused thoughtfully, stroked her chin, and said: “I guess it’s the sex.”

That's disgusting and racist to reduce Black men to sexual objects, Black women as gold diggers, and White men as fetishist who date/marry Black women. Can people find black women and white men loving each other instead of imputing some motive to it? The same goes for black men and women relationships.

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