Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Princess and the Frog: A Mixed Race Royalty? NOT!!

The Fantasy

The Reality

This week's Newsweek article is the biggest, lying piece of propaganda I ever read. In my hometown of Dayton, Ohio, I see Black men and Black women couples 99% of the time. Despite mainstream media propaganda, prominent Black men are with Black women, not nonblack women. The media looves to hype the small minority in order to divide and conquer. It is the same mentality Willie Lynch had in mind during slavery to turn Black people against each other.

Yes, I also notice Black men/non-Black women couples in my SW Ohio hometown.  The bm/nonblack women couples, as miniscule as they are, greatly outnumbered bw/nonblack men couples 25 to 1. And yet the sellout Black women want us to believe that wm/bw intermarriage are on the increase. I don't see any increase and yet, I see bw with out of wedlock biracial kids like Shaniya, no wedding ring, no white man present whatsoever. At least with the biracial children of ww/bm, the father is there.

Also, I see plenty of intact Black families with children all the time, my family is the clearest example. Black men are involved with their kids. I wish mainstream media stop harping on Black fathers when we have plenty of irresponsible and deadbeat nonblack, specifically white fathers like that idiot who didn't take Shaniya in, leaving her with the struggling Black mother. As Abagond and Mr. Lauelton Queens said that Black women are chosen last by white men and that white men don't want Black children period.  So, I don't care what other people say, the movie is an illusion.

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