Monday, January 18, 2010

Shock Jock: Martin Luther King, Jr is a "coon"

Controversial talk duo's "accidental" racial slur. Mike Greenberg of The Mike and Mike in The Morning Show called Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. a coon. The firestorm has generated YouTube buzz and the host released a public statement apologizing for his discretion.

I just came home from the Knicks game and found out about the mess that was created by my garbling a sentence on our show this morning; I apologize for not addressing it sooner.
And I'm sorry that my talking too fast - and slurring my words - might have given people who don't know our show the wrong impression about us, and about me.
I feel horrible about that, because nothing could be further away from who I am and what our show is about.
I would never say anything like that, not in public, or in private, or in the silence of my own mind, and neither would anyone associated with our show, and I'm very sorry that my stumble this morning gave so many people the opposite impression.

The video appears on YouTube.

Mike and Mike in The Morning is a part of Hearst Entertainment and ESPN Radio Networks, Incorporated. The Entertainment and Sports Network [ESPN] is under The Walt Disney Company.

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