Thursday, November 5, 2009

Italian Court Levies Judgment on U.S. Rendition Program - Political Punch

Italian Court Levies Judgment on U.S. Rendition Program - Political Punch: "ABC News' Rachel Martin reports: The US intelligence gathering program known as “extraordinary rendition” was essentially put on trial for the first time - in Italy - and this week the court rendered a guilty verdict.

Italian Judge Oscar Magi convicted 23 Americans of the 2003 kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric on a street in Milan, Italy. The cleric, known as Abu Omar, alleged that he was abducted by CIA operatives who then shuttled him between US bases in Europe and then moved him to Egypt where Omar says he was tortured. The Italian judge tried the Americans, all but one identified by prosecutors as CIA agents, in absentia. Former CIA Milan station chief Robert Seldon Lady got the toughest sentence – eight years in prison. The others each received a five year sentence. Two Italians were also convicted as accomplices to kidnapping."

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