Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Newsflash: Four More Bodies Are Found At Cleveland Home

More gruesome discoveries.

Why haven't the police and the neighbors surrounding Sowell's house noticed anything soon? Why the police didn't warn the neighbors that there's a sex offender living in their midst? Some or all of his victims would have been alive today. What's wrong, Cleveland? Why do we wait until at least six dead women before police and neighborhood action? Does LA, Rocky Mount mean anything to us? Does the 1978-79 murders of 12 Black women in Boston matter? What about the 11 victims of serial killer Henry Louis Wallace, a serial killer who killed over a four-year period, beginning in 1990, ended in March 1994, when he was taken into custody in Charlotte, N.C. Do they matter to us? Of course they do!

We take lives of poor and Women and Men of Color less seriously than others. That's sad and it shouldn't be that way. We need to change our way of thinking when it comes to murder victims.

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