Saturday, August 9, 2008

La Bellazza Valencia Michele Jumper 1972-1993

It has been 15 years since this angel Valencia Michele Jumper was taken from this world on August 10, 1993.

A native of Columbia, Jumper was a rising senior at JCSU, where she majored in political science. Friends and family remember her as an energetic person who was well-loved by everyone.

``She was just one of those people who would do anything for you,'' said Shante Tillman, a neighbor and friend. ``If you asked her for something . . . she would give it to you.'' Jumper held down two jobs, as a sales associate in the junior department at Hecht's at SouthPark and as a cashier at Food Lion on Central Avenue. ``She was a hard worker with a great personality - just real friendly to everybody,'' said Shari Hartman, customer service manager at the grocery.

``We've already had a couple of customers inquire about her and say that they were going to miss her.''

Here's a short bio on Miss Valencia's life:

"Vanesa Jumper never believed that her younger sister, Valencia, would have failed to turn off the stove before falling asleep. But law enforcement officials told Valencia Jumper's family last summer that she died of smoke inhalation during a fire in her home at Greenbryre Apartments, off Sharon Amity Road. Sunday, Vanesa Jumper found out she was right. Valencia was one of 10 victims police say were killed by Henry Louis Wallace. ``Grieving is bad enough. Now seven months later, it's hitting just as hard as when they called the first time,'' Vanesa Jumper said Monday from her home in Columbia. ``I know my sister. I know how we were raised. The last thing you do at night is you check your door and you check your stove.'' The weekend before Valencia's death, Vanesa had been visiting. ``She cooked dinner and she unplugged everything. I know she was careful.'' Valencia Jumper grew up in Columbia, the youngest of five children. She was a senior at Johnson C. Smith University, majoring in computer science. She was a good student, and worked two jobs, as a cashier at the Food Lion on Central Avenue and as a sales associate at Hecht's. Vanesa Jumper said she became very good friends with Wallace's sister when they attended Winthrop University in Rock Hill. She said Wallace introduced himself to Valencia Jumper in 1990 when he was a customer at the Food Lion. "

She was murdered by someone she trusted. In this case, that evil incarnate Henry L. Wallace. He betrayed her trust and innocence by killing her. He had a friggin' nerve to come to her funeral and send flowers in her memory. This despicable piece of humanity should have been executed a long time ago for not only Valencia's murder, but also the murders of 10 young women as well. Instead, he's still alive on death row to this day.

Same goes for the scumbags who killed Nixzmary Brown January 10, 2006. The so-called stepfather should have gotten the death penalty for her murder. Instead, he got 28 years imprisonment for Nixzmary's murder.

As for the so-called mother of hers, Nixzaliz Santiago, ought to get the maximum for her murder and for doing absolutely nothing to protect her daughter from such an evil man.

I hope justice be served for the killers of Kyle Smith, who was senselessly murdered in June.

May the saintly princesas, Valencia Michele Jumper and Nixzmary Brown rest in peace.


La Fiametta
Valencia Jumper thread at Angels Resort(Cynteria Haven)
Valencia Michele Jumper at Find A Grave

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