Thursday, August 14, 2008

UN Chief Calls for the End of Bias Against Gays

The Bilerico Project | UN Chief Calls for the End of Bias Against Gays

The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, along with other intern189161-Ki-moon.jpgational leaders, 189161-Ki-moon.jpgis calling for an end to homophobic bias and its effects on the treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS around the world. In an address to the International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, Ki-moon said:

I call on politicians around the world to speak out against discrimination and protect the rights of people living with and affected by HIV, for schools to teach respect, for religious leaders to preach tolerance, and for the media to condemn prejudice in all its forms.

He went on to say discrimination that against men who have sex with men must end, and countries must gear up prevention programs against AIDS in this high-risk group. Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, said health officials in all nations- including the United States- need to acknowledge setbacks in a group that pioneered the earliest response to the disease.

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