Monday, August 18, 2008

McKinney Isn’t Whitebread Enough To Be A Green

The Try-Works » Blog Archive » McKinney Isn’t Whitebread Enough To Be A Green

The mighty James Benjamin found a couple of tidbits about the Colorado Greens which he was kind enough to leave in the comments. The first being a piece from the co-chair of the Green Party of Colorado, which Dr. Benjamin titled, “McKinney isn’t whitebread enough to be a Green.”

I am the co-chair of the Green Party of Colorado, but I am not supporting Cynthia McKinney for President.

Colorado Green Party candidates this year are exceptional and I support them whole heartily: Bob Kinsey for U.S. Senate; Art Goodtimes for San Miguel County Commissioner; Scott Zulauf for Jefferson County Commissioner; Jerry Lacy for Custer County Commissioner; Joe Calhoun for Congress-CD 2; and Tony D’Lallo for State House District 34.

There have been internal Green Party controversies involving the Green Party of Colorado and the McKinney presidential campaign that have raised very serious concerns for me — structurally the McKinney campaign is disorganized, uncommunicative, and there have been incidents of a dismissive attitude towards state and local Green Party groups. These failings in operation are seriously at odds with the Ten Key Values that make the Green Party distinctively different from the major political parties.

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