Saturday, January 2, 2010

colour-blind racism « Abagond

colour-blind racism « Abagond: "The “Bring Me Home a Black Girl” debate between Ms. Walsh and Ms. Edwards at
Ms. Audrey Edwards:
Ms. Walsh:
I read with great interest your critique of my article “Bring Me Home a Black Girl,” in the November issue of Essence. To begin with, the article never stated, nor have I ever told my son not to “date” white girls. He has always had a number of white friends, male and female alike; he has escorted white girls to proms, and continues to have friendships with whites now that he is in college. I have also dated white men, but married a black man, and want my son to marry a black girl. This to me is normal, natural and what people of all races, tribes, ethnic groups and nationalities have done for eons. To say that “no mainstream magazine today would publish a comparable piece by a Caucasian mom exhorting her son to ‘Bring me home a white girl!’” is a bit disingenuous, don’t you think? White moms don’t have to give such messages to their kids. It’s implicit in everything they do — from the neighborhoods they live in, to the schools and churches they attend, to the social organizations they belong to. Whites still live, for the most part, in a segregated white world, so it’s natural that their children will marry other whites. But just watch what happens when they don’t! You yourself admitted that most of the hostility to your interracial dating came from other whites, not blacks."

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