Monday, January 18, 2010

'Baby Doc' Speaks

BS Top - Pape Duvalier
In an exclusive email to The Daily Beast, Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, who was exiled to France in 1986, offered quake victims comfort and an $8 million pledge of support. Duvalier’s dramatic departure to France was celebrated all around Haiti, and was seen as the closure of a dark period of terror that began under “Baby Doc’s” father, Francois Duvalier, known as “Papa Doc.” The transition to democracy after his departure has been rough. Reclusive former Haitian ruler Jean-Claude Duvalier has lived in France since he fled his homeland nearly a quarter-century ago. But Duvalier, famously known as “Baby Doc,” emerged from the shadows via email late Friday night. In an exclusive email to The Daily Beast’s Eric Pape, Duvalier offered comforting words in the aftermath of the earthquake that leveled the country he once led, lauding the international “wave of solidarity,” and asking Swiss authorities to direct $8 million to emergency relief efforts.

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